Low Battery Voltage ( Düşük voltaj )
EN - The battery needs charging or there is a bad connection to the battery. Check the connections to the battery. If the connections are good, try charging the battery.
TR - (Bataryanın şarj edilmesi gerekiyor veya batarya ile bağlantıda bir sorun var. Batarya bağlantılarını kontrol edin. Bağlantılar iyiyse, bataryayı şarj etmeyi deneyin.)

Left Motor Disconnected ( Sol Motor Bağlantısı Kesildi )
EN - The left motor* has a bad connection. Check all the connections and leads between the left motor and the VSI.
TR - Sol motorun bağlantısında bir sorun var. Sol motor ile VSI arasındaki tüm bağlantıları ve kabloları kontrol edin.

Left Motor Wiring Trip ( Sol Motor Kablolama Hatası )
EN - The left motor* has a short circuit to a battery. Check all the connections and leads between the left motor and the battery.
TR - Sol motorun bataryaya kısa devresi var. Sol motor ile batarya arasındaki tüm bağlantıları ve kabloları kontrol edin.

Right Motor Disconnected ( Sağ Motor Bağlantısı Kesildi
EN - The right motor* has a bad connection. Check all the connections and leads between the right motor and the VSI.
TR - Sağ motorun bağlantısında bir sorun var. Sol motor ile VSI arasındaki tüm bağlantıları ve kabloları kontrol edin.

Right Motor Wiring Trip
The right motor* has a short circuit to a battery. Check all the connections and leads between the right motor and the battery.

Charger Connected
The wheelchair is being prevented form driving by an external signal. The exact cause will depend on the type of wheelchair you have, one possibility is the battery charger is connected.

Possible Joystick Trip
A joystick trip is indicated. Make sure that the joystick is in the center position before switching on the VSI.

Possible Control System Trip
A control system trip is indicated. Make sure that all connections are secure.

Solenoid Brake Trip
The parking brakes have a bad connection. Check the parking brake and motor connections. Make sure the system connections are secure.

High Battery Voltage
An excessive voltage has been applied to the VSI. This is usually caused by a poor battery connection. Check the battery connections.


Commonly Seen Informational Flash Codes ( Sık Görülen Bilgilendirme Flaş Kodları )

Control System in Sleep Mode

The VSI has entered sleep mode. Switch the control system off and then on again.

Charge Step
The batteries are charging.

Joystick Displaced
The joystick has been displaced whilst the control system is switched on. Place the joystick in the center position and turn the VSI off and on again.

Speed Limit In Operation
This indicates the speed of the wheelchair is being limited for safety reasons. The exact reason will depend on the type of wheelchair, however, the most common cause is that the seat is in the elevated position.

Control System Locked
This indicates that the VSI has been locked and cannot be driven. Unlock the VSI.

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